The Giclée art print is a new and contemporary printing medium that adheres to the highest standards.  Because of this the Giclée print has taken its place among more traditional graphics and printing methods like etching, screen printing and stone lithography. Various museum exhibit Giclées instead of the original artwork. This underlines that Giclées can be a qualitative tour de force if they adhere to the museum standards such as ISO 9706 and NEN 2728 norm.

Real art Giclées are created with a very high resolution (a minimum of 1140 dpi to 2880 dpi) and are printed using high-quality archival inks on acid free materials. The canvas and paper types used have a coating that ensures that the inks do not degrade or fade. 
Because of this real art Giclées come with a lifetime guarantee. 

What is Giclée?

Giclée originates from the French verb ‘gicler’ which means misting or jetting. With this technique high quality inks are sprayed in various layers of colours on special fine art paper, photo paper or canvas. 

The process

Creating high quality Certified Art Giclée prints starts with photographing (digitizing) the original artwork, preferably on a Cruse Fine Art Scanner. From this digital source, using colour conversion and proofing, a file is created that matches the original as closely as possible. After final approval by the artists a digital master file is made. From this master file the limited-edition series is printed. 
Art Giclées are made individually and are always of a grid-less quality. 
The creation of Certified Art Giclée™ is a piece of craftsmanship done by a master printer. 


Certified Art Giclée™ prints are made with only high-quality, reliable archival pigment inks that are water resistant. These inks last far longer than other inks. The combination of these inks and papers allows us to create Certified Art Giclées that last anywhere between 50 and 300 years**. It’s guaranteed!

** Depending on the materials used and UV exposure. When we say 50 to 300 years we mean 50 years in a regular household and 300 years conserved in a museum.

Certified Art Giclée™

The Certified Art Giclée™ quality hallmark is the European standard for original, limited Giclée art editions. With his hallmark a distinction has been created between original, high quality and valuable Giclées of museum-grade quality and the inkjet prints of often disappointing quality that regrettably are also sold as Giclées. The Certified Art Giclée™ logo guarantees consumers, artist, galleries and museums the highest quality and lastingness. The Giclées in question and are also provided with a Certificate of Authenticity. The Certified Art Giclée™ logo also acts as a guarantee that there will never be more prints created from an artwork than agreed upon with the artist. If the edition size of an edition is 25 than there will never be made more than 25 with Certified Art Giclée.

The lastingness of a Certified Art Giclée™ is between 50 and 300 years and sometimes even longer*.

The Certified Art Giclée is always made using water-resistant archival pigment inks on acid free materials. These materials receive an invisible coating that creates a chemical reaction between the inks and the paper. The minimum resolution is 1440 dpi which gives the prints a gridless quality and incredible detail.

The Certified Art Giclée has a visible edition number and signature by the artist. The signature is not printed-on. The Certificate of Authenticity is also numbered and signed and co-signed by the master printer. The Certificate mentions the edition size and any EA’s.

Certificates with the Certified Art Giclée™ hallmark and GPE logo

Certified Art Giclées always come with an embossed Certificate of Authenticity. The Certificate mentions all relevant details about the edition. It usually features an image of the artwork, the name of the artist, title, website, edition size, any EA’s* and the name of the master printer. The Certificates are embossed with the Certified Art Giclée™ logo and are numbered and signed by the artist and master printer. This Certificate also acts as a guarantee for the long lastingness of the artwork.

*EA is short for Épreuve d’Artiste. These are extra prints that are made on behalf of the artist. The prints (maximum 10% of the entire edition) are part of the edition and usually belong to the private collection of the artist. 




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